Historical flooding of Lake Como, getting to know the area

The conformation of the territory of Como has always been subject to flooding in the city’s history, as evidenced by various photographic documents and writings.
The historic centre overlooking the lake is often subject to flooding.
When the waters of the lake reach 120 centimetres above the hydrometric zero, they coincide with the flooding of Piazza Cavour, activating the threshold of attention.
This threshold has been modified several times over time, from 186 cm in 1955 to 125 cm in 1978 to the current threshold of 120 cm due to the progressive lowering of the square by about 60 cm between 1965 and 1973.

The first documented flood dates back to 1431; from the 15th century to the 21st century there are hundreds of floods, some very extensive in the city, such as the one in 1673, commemorated by two plaques in Via Volta and Via Diaz.
In 1703, the water reached as far as the organ pillars inside Como Cathedral.

Foto by CiaoComo
Foto by Wallpaper di Como

Even today, the city and the neighbouring villages overlooking the lake are still victims of flooding, also due to the intense rainfall that now very often violently affects our territory, we live with it despite the inconveniences and the projects that for decades should bring improvements to this situation, which however always seems unmanageable.

Foto by Archivio fotografico Vasconi
Foto by Archivio fotografico Vasconi

COMO E LE PIENE PIU’ FAMOSE DEL LAGO, Enzo Pifferi editore, 2000.

Photographs from the Enzo Pifferi Archive
Collection of historical photographs of Lake Como floods.


Credit: Wikipedia, Collezione Piero Vasconi – Archivio storico fotografico Vasconi – Cernobbio – Lago di Como, Wallpaper di Como